LinkedIn Advertising

If you are wondering how to reach B2B decision-makers through digital marketing, you have landed on the right tab.

Reach Business Decision-Makers Cost-Effectively

LinkedIn is not just a social media platform built for job searching and other work-related content, but also an excellent place for advertising – especially for companies operating in the B2B sector.

Whereas other social media platforms are primarily designed for entertainment, LinkedIn serves a different purpose. This difference benefits advertisers aiming to target their marketing towards business decision-makers.

Users report their workplaces, work history, and current roles to LinkedIn. This data is invaluable when targeting marketing to decision-makers of a specific company. Alternatively, marketing can also be targeted to people working in various roles in a particular industry.

Contact us, and we will tell you more about the secrets of LinkedIn!
Tagomo Pilot

Do you know which LinkedIn advertising formats yield the best results for your business?

The best solution for determining the return on your advertising euros is to conduct a 3-month Tagomo Pilot with Tagomo's experts! The pilot phase also serves as an excellent learning path into the secrets of marketing.

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Machine Learning in LinkedIn Advertising

With Tagomo, you can make your brand visible at every stage of the buying journey. We harness machine learning to target advertising to users relevant to you and create visual advertising that meets your marketing objectives. We advertise in a brand-friendly and authentic way without hard selling.

As with other advertising formats, at Tagomo, we base everything we do on data. As our client, you will always know what LinkedIn advertising actually yields for you. We focus on high-quality conversion tracking and, as in our other pilots, we go through the results with you monthly on LinkedIn.

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Designed for Your Needs

We fundamentally always work with the client's own Campaign Manager tool, used for creating LinkedIn ads. The account and data are transparently available to you, and if our cooperation is interrupted along the way, the information remains with you.

The ads we create are always approved before publication, so you continuously have an understanding of the materials we have designed to support your marketing. As a digital marketing partner, we value transparency and open communication.

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